İspanyolca Tercüman

Sava Medical Sağlık Turizmi
Job Detail :

• Ensuring that the communication of foreign patients with physicians and other healthcare professionals is managed in a correct and reliable process,

• Ensuring that foreign patients receive service in their language and are informed about all processes and their consent is obtained,

• Participating in physician visits and informing the patient,

• Taking an active role in guiding foreign patients, ensuring general coordination regarding transportation, examination and treatment processes,

• Carrying out correspondence about foreign patients who received the treatment, following the complete and accurate entry of patient records,

• Informing the relevant units about developments other than the treatment planned for foreign patients (such as different interventions, examinations or treatment applications),

• Patients who come to our country to receive service; guiding all kinds of work in the process of transportation to the hospital, treatment process, accommodation outside the health facility and returning to the country,

• Contacting the necessary persons or organizations to solve the problems related to the treatment processes of foreign patients and conducting studies to solve the problems.

Desired Skills and Specializations

• Bachelor's degree preferably in Tourism, Health Sciences, Health Management, Language and Literature or Translation and Interpretation;

• Spanish / English proficiency speaking/writing level

• For foreigners, Turkish B1 (writing and speaking) is mandatory

• Having 1-year experience in a similar position or having a career goal in the Health sector,

• Able to use MS Office programs well and report/presentation,

• To provide the necessary coordination with the relevant units,

• Be able to act proactively in providing all kinds of logistic support to international patients and their relatives,

• Strong human relations and patient communication, giving importance to teamwork,

• Proactive in crisis and process management stages, solution-oriented,

• To coordinate hospital patient's relative situations

Job Info

  • Start Date 29 January 2024
  • Candidate Count 1
  • Working Type Full Time
  • Min. Experience Does Not Matter
  • City İstanbul Avrupa - Turkey
  • Gender Does Not Matter
  • End Date 02 February 2025
  • Position Translator

Company Info